Image Copyright Lynne Lancaster
There are a lot of people finding the site, or coming back to the site looking for some ideas on what to do during summer. I’m not going to write another post on the topic, because it would be very similar to the one I published last year. What I will do is link to some posts from GearFire and other sites around the Blogsphere.
This is a post of mine from last year. This is just a few ideas about the sort of things you can do, from travelling and fun, to building a strong resume.
Start to Become Exceptionally Good at Something
Not strictly speaking a post on summer, but it is an excellent post from Cal Newport talking about how to become exceptionally good at that one thing, be it writing, music or business. Summer could be the best time to get a head start!
This was a post from GearFire itself written last year by Maria. This gives you some ideas for the sort of things you could do during summer, and also suggests setting some tangible goals to help you make progress.
Have a read if your looking for ideas on what to do this summer. I still have a good few weeks before I break up for summer, but if you do have a long summer holiday, do not let it go to waste! Make the most of it; the start of next academic year will be rolling round before we know it.
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I am so bored this summer. I need something to do untill I go on vaccation to some place. Do you have any suggustgens. Me and my sis are making a list of things to do. But we are getting stuck so if you have any ideas I hope they are very creative!!! Please help us. We don’t know what to do!!
Cass I wish I was in your shoes, you don’t want to be in mine in the middle of winter with a head cold and all.
Oh I miss the days of summer vacation and having plenty of time to kill. These days I have to put every spare minute towards getting my websites going. I guess I’ll check out those other posts in case I do manage to find some free time.
In summer vacations. I love to go join summer camps because they really help me to increase my strength in extra activities rather than studies..
i want money this summer, i will find summer job
Coming up with a goal for summer sound like a great idea. You’ll have a lot of time to achieve it and there’ll be no excuses like “I don’t have time” or “the weather is bad”.
Yes I think many people choose to earn cash during their summer vacation. They have to pay for the schooling expenses somehow. Some students should consider starting a blog or website to help in that regards.
As much as the summer has been fun for me, believe it or not, at this time of the year, I start getting the “itch” to go back to school, isn’t that kinda of weird? I know alot of my friends feel the same way. I might even pick up a school book from last year to refresh myself on the material, how insane is that during the summer? hehe
to me, summer mean “fun time” because this is the time that you could go to my favorite beaches and make bonding moment with my family and friends.
Just do fun everyone in your summer holidays. Make a tour to a best place and have fun there. Because summer always necessary to stress out of work. It makes you relax and fully energetic..
Relaxing is always first on my list…just kidding. Sometimes you need to take classes in the summer to speed up your progression, or you can explore available jobs to make some cash.
I agree with Seo83, summer camps are a great way to constructively occupy yourself.
It would definitely be recommended to set goals during your summer vacation as not to become stagnate.
Summer vacation is a great time to get an early jump on your classmates or to better prepare yourself for the school year. For a lot of us, the best preparation may be financially related. So now might be a great time to create a passive income that can help pay for your school books, tuition and other expenses.
during summer, me and my family are great having fun picnic at restaurant near the beach and also swimming. i miss my summer fun
I just noticed something the word vacation is spelled wrong, but I am thinking it might have been intentionally
Just thought I’d at least say something =D
Till then,
Sigh I miss the concept of summer vacation. They should make all jobs give employees 2 months break each year. It was nice to be able to just do nothing for 2 months….no homework, no deadlines…just fun. Life was a lot simpler back in school.