© Maria Schwartzman 2008
Summer is the perfect time for students to take advantage of the (hopefully) extra time they’ve gained since completing school. It is a chance to do all those interesting things you just couldn’t find time for during the school year. Make some goals for yourself this summer. It will help you be productive, plus you can take more advantage of your summer.
Here are a few examples of some goals:
- Read x number of books: If you like to read, you know that you probably don’t have sufficient time to do so during the school year. So use the long summer days to catch up on the books on your list. I also really like DailyLit.com.
- Exercise x number of times/week: Exercise is great for your physical and mental health. Get into a regime during the summer and it’ll carry over into next school year.
- Travel and Explore: Even if it is just finding new things in your city, get out into the world and expand your horizons.
- Start a journal: Whether it’s a one-liner, a blog, or a paper copy, write down your experiences and thoughts this summer. Journals are a lot of fun to read after the fact.
- Learn a new skill: Whatever you’ve been meaning to learn, take it up now when you have a chance. Whether it’s sewing, programming, cooking, silversmithing - anything you want to learn, start learning it now. You have the whole summer to perfect your skills.
No matter what goals you decide to do this summer, pick ones that you will enjoy and keep with. Completing goals is very rewarding and will help you have a great summer.
Related posts:
- Track your Short-term Goals with Joe’s Goals
- Joe’s Goals as a Seinfeldian Chain App?
- 4 Ways to Radically Improve your Chances of Academic Success
- Accomplishments are just as important as goals
- 6 Killer Tips to Writing Effective Goals
My goal this summer is to earn enough money to buy me a new car, for when I go back to school the next semester
My goal is to read the 12 books that lie unread in my room since last year.
It is really important to make goals to achieve within a certain period of time. However, one should realize that any target should be achievable.
Do what ever comes your way and make sure you have fun doing it, nothing should be planned
I have a girlfriend and besides i’m a student and they have no a lot of money for their entertainment, that’s why i want to do all my best to work there in order to earn some money to go for example on the sea shore with my girl.:)
My plans is to get the most out of it. Summer is just a short time so i will do the things that i can as long as its not pretty over.
It’s also a great time to visit all our friends who live far away. Not only we can meet them and share all the news but also see new places. Reading and training our brain is also very important so it doesn’t become to lazy when come back to school.