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GTD Mastery 100: Step 23

To read my complete journey to GTD Mastery see the main post.

Step 23 to GTD Mastery is: I attend a weekly productivity group centered around the GTD methods.

Image: Ted Patrick


Or not…. The number of people I’ve talked to about GTD can be counted on two hands (not including the readers here at GearFire who I’m grateful for sticking around despite another vanishing act on my part).

Edit: Feel free to join the Google group here:

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4 Responses to “GTD Mastery 100: Step 23”

  1. John Peden says:

    What is it you plan on doing within your faculty?

  2. Chris Y. says:

    There’s a mandatory learning strategies course for freshmen in my faculty and I’m working on integrating GTD into it.

  3. Poems Girl says:

    Chris, will you keep us informed on your achievements in regards to Integrating GTD us???