I am the kind of person who is excited by web 2.0. That’s why when a new web 2.0 tool comes out that is useful to me, I am eager to review it. In fact, most of my GTD and entire organizational system is found between Gradefix, Vitalist, and a desktop application. The problem with this, is that when I do not have access to my computer, or an internet connection, all of my stuff is unaccessible.
I decided yesterday that this wasn’t acceptable anymore, and that I had to figure out some physical means of organization. I had read a bit on hipster PDAs and Moleskins, and how they are a hit in the GTD community. So I went out, bought a small leather organizer, and some colored index cards. Last night I devised color-coded sections (yellow for next actions, blue for inbox, etc.). My plan is to always carry a small pack of these index cards wherever I go. This ensures that I never miss anything important, and I can always write down a quick reminder. For larger tasks, such as long lists, brainstorming, or mind-mapping, I would use my leather organizer. At the end of the day, I will “sync” my index cards into my primary GTD system. Then I just grab a new stack of index cards, and repeat.
I just got it all together yesterday, so today or tomorrow will be my time trying it. I’ll get back to you on how it goes. In the mean time, here are a couple links about moleskins and hipster PDAs, so you know what I’m talking about.
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