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DIY Filofax Personal Organizer

I’ve wanted a Filofax since the heavens opened up on me and showed me their beauty. But alas, there is little I love about them other than the aesthetics. The price and what you get inside for it is a bit of a turn off for me. The one shining glory of Filofaxes in my eyes is their quality- these things are built to last. I will probably end up getting on eventually. But for now, I have some beef, people! The idea of a...

5 Ways To Spruce Up Your Room on the Cheap

1. Ask your artistic friends if they have any paintings that no longer want. You can get art wire on the cheap, and use those removable wall hooks to place art strategically around your walls. Generally, the centre of a painting should be at eye level, but rules were made to be broken! 2. Fresh flowers! It’s probably rude, but I like to pick flowers from gardens I see while I walk home. Yeah, like flowers from bushes in...

Tattoos, Piercings and Other Things That Seem Cool...

Ok, before I start this post, I want to mention that in pretty much every industrialized nation in the world, it is illegal to discriminate in the workplace based on physical appearance. That means that an employer can’t pass you over for a job because you have an eyebrow piercing. Know your rights! But that said, people hire people, not resumes. If you look good on paper, but look aggressive and offputting in...

Miscellaneous Thoughts From A.Y.

I’ve had the window of this post open for days, and as the hours tick past I’ve been going back and forth and jotting down ideas and realizations about high achievement, focus and miscellaneous ideas that are big enough to be useful, but not big enough for their own post. Most of these are just for entertainment value- I hope they make you think and/or smile! Every minute you spend doing one thing is one minute...

Are You Working, or Working WELL?

I loves making YouTube videos for ya’ll. I’m sure by now you’re well aware of the whole “efficient vs. effective” way of thinking. As in, it’s not enough to just do things- you must actually be doing the right things, and frequently in order to make things happen. Well, I didn’t know that- or rather, I knew it, but I didn’t start applying it- until recently. I filmed this video...